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Bad Russian women: Mistakes in men’s perception of Slavic girls’ mentality

Not long ago there was a report in a Russian TV-channel about foreign students studying in St. Petersburg and Moscow. A presenter had to interview a European guy from France. ‘Why are so few compatriots of yours studying here?’ asked her. ‘There are still many prejudices about how life in Russia is organized’, explained he. ‘Difficult living conditions… Moreover, bad Russian women…’ ‘What Russian women?’ ‘Some are a bit light-minded – here people think so…’, the Frenchman became confused. The young man was considerate. In general, in some social groups of several European countries it is considered that Russian women are ready for everything to catch their naïve European fiancés, make them get married with them, and provide a European citizenships and child support for themselves. After that, the bad bride tries to get back to her Russian barbarians.

Why does it happen so? Elderly fiancés used to see sixteen-year-old Filipino or Thai girls ready for everything just to marry a European man think that a Russian wife is somewhat like a Thai one but a white one. She is the same obedient, ready for everything and grateful for any rag that costs 10 dollars. However, it becomes clear soon that a Russian wife has not the same demands at all as an Asian girl does. It turns out to be an unpleasant surprise, a man begins to understand that he is in trouble and, naturally, blames these ‘greedy and bad Russian brides.’

Asian girls are ready for everything because it’s the matter of survival for them. In addition, they are a product of a culture where a woman should be ready for everything. A plus is a piety to a white man. Though, Russian girls originating even from poor families are not at the age of a hungry death, and things are not so bad with their self-respect. Therefore, a man gets many passions. However, not those he expected.
The end is always the same – a bad Russian wife, having taken a child and counting on child support decides to go back to her homeland. At this, she is rarely interested in issues of law. She is usually sure that a child is her property. She doesn’t want to know anything about equal rights of both parents for her child – a concept of a modern western society. And there is no wonder because she is a product of a different culture, a Russian one where a woman is a woman and mother first, and only then a member of a civil society.

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