Inner world
A Russian woman feels herself a woman and she likes it… Deep in her heart she feels herself a tender, weak, and beautiful creature created for love, family and children. An American woman knows that she is a personality and has the same rights for self-expression as any man does.
Russian women are quite slim in their majority. American women… we don’t have statistics. Russian women use make-up, pay serious attention at their hairstyle, constantly take care of themselves. Femininity is the main thing in their image.
American women seldom use make-up for emphasizing their brightness. It is considered bad manners. A bright make-up and magnificent hairstyles are used by women of pleasure and prostitutes.
Style and clothing
Russian women try to be beautiful. They dress in a quite sexy way, like tight-fitting clothing, transparent one and clothing that emphasizes and shows advantages of their figures: breasts, slim legs, tights… A loss of sexuality for a Russian woman is a loss of femininity, and it means a loss of good self-esteem. However, it’s not the sexuality the main aim of which is just making sex, it’s a striving to be desired, it means a woman that a man always aspires and whom he wants to conquer.
American women dress in a quite formless way, in clothing that conceals peculiarities of a figure, breasts and legs.
An American style means broad jeans, trainers, a sweatshirt and a T-shirt. And a personality inside. Such a way of dressing, from the Russian point of view, is an absolute dowdiness. It is connected with the fact that tight-fitting dresses and short skirts, transparent mantles are worn only by film stars and those women who hint men at sex (in home environment).
Family and children
For American women a family is a presence of two parents for a child. And men sometimes interfere with this pedagogical process organized by women. Russian women are women for a family. They are wives… and a child for them means happiness that they can give themselves and their beloved husbands. An aim of the family is to live long and happy and die on one day with a husband, surrounded with children, grandchildren and grand grandchildren. A family is a value by itself. A married Russian woman has a higher status in society. For the sake of their families they easier endure financial problems that a husband can face. Priorities of Russian girls are the following: first a wife, then a mother, and only then there are such values as professionalism and career.

Russian sex and sexual relations in America
Sex is good, especially when everyone feels good. In Russia this topic has long ago been closed for discussion, and now sex is fun. It tines up and confuses. In Russia people are used to joke and speak of sex in hints, avoiding to speak of it directly. In Ukraine they say that ‘Every satisfied Ukrainian woman is a step to a satisfied Ukraine’. Sexual satisfaction and family happiness are values that are very close. American women treat sex easier… They can discuss their oral sex experience in front of a camera on a TV-channel quite easily. Sex should exist, it’s needed and it’s healthy. And it isn’t very much connected with marriage. Women and men are equal in their ‘sexual rights’. And that’s why women are more demanding. America’s fate doesn’t depend on sexual satisfaction of an American woman, and it means that one can experiment. Americans seem to gain much success in this sphere, and that’s why they don’t hurry to get married and give birth to children that appear as a result of a banal sex. That’s why in America there are 300 not contracted marriages for 100 contracted marriages
What do ladies expect from men? Russian women want to come across a man who is financially stable, handsome, who is a rock for a woman, for her not to be afraid of anything, feel safe and secure. A dream is a sincere and faithful husband who will despite everything take them as they are, with all their hysterics… BUT they often marry those who love them very much and are persistent in their love, even forgetting stability, security etc.
Russian women are tolerant with men, they are ready for many things for a beloved man. And they suffer because of it. They like to suffer – sad big eyes make Russian women even more beautiful. And what man can resist a temptation to soothe a beautiful Russian girl! Girls in Russia are afraid to be left, that a man will go to a lover or start drinking. They are afraid of being initiative for starting a relationship with a man. That’s why they make a manicure, dress in a sexy way and sit near an open window waiting for a prince on a golden horse who will see them, fall in love with them, be initiative and conquer them with their love. Those who managed to wait for any man to come get married.
Girls from America want a man not to interfere with them, especially with such an important thing as family creation. They are more demanding in relations and marriage. They are main in a family, as the law in on their side. That’s why American (as well as European) men don’t decide to create a family at once. They have to become more stable to be able to defend their property in case of divorce. A bride from America is a big and expensive present for a man. American women are afraid that their love will be not enough valued and they will show with their behavior that they are not those who can be treated seriously. They are sensitive to problems and easily injured. However, in complicated situations they still prefer choosing a fighting stance, but not suffering as ‘rightless Russian beauties’.
Gender equality
In Russia there is an opinion that a pursuit for making a man and a woman equal reached a full absurdness and leads to both being not interested not as personalities only, but representatives of their sexes as well. Women fade, while men are afraid of paying attention to them’.
In Russia a try to make women and men equal ended with women who at last understood that it’s good to be women: beautiful, sexy, loving, and family-oriented. And men who saw so many women disorientated and started feeling an inferiority complex. And while they are deciding what they can do, the best and the most beautiful women got to those men who value them and miss normal, healthy relations between a man and a woman. It means that they go to Americans and Europeans.