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woman from Russia -What you can and cannot do during your first meeting.

You chose a place and time of the first meeting, bought flowers and now you are waiting for the girl. In your head there are different ideas – does she like you or how to win her heart. You know each other by correspondence, as well as from video chat. But the meeting in real life – everything that happens here is unpredictable. Sometimes people tend to be disappointed with the first minutes of the real meeting, sometimes, on the contrary, a person can become your soul mate. Therefore, during the first date you should try to present yourself to your second half at your best. Let's start with the appearance. Russian women are looking at men at the first meeting not only in a holistic way, they pay great attention to details: the harmony in the style of clothing, cleanliness of clothing, spots ... So going to your first meeting you should think about all the details. Dress according to the place, if it is a restaurant or cafe – you should wear a shirt and trousers as clothing makes the man or as Russians say - clothes count for first impressions and if it is a walk along the promenade - pick something decorous from the street-style clothes and do not forget to wear comfortable shoes. And again, do not forget to be yourself. Do not use tons of perfume; perhaps your girlfriend is allergic to certain smells. Do not forget to keep within limits. Also, do not drink whiskey for courage; no self-respecting woman will be more than a few minutes to chat with a drunken gentleman on a first date.
Prepare a bouquet of flowers; it is desirable to clarify what kind of flowers your girlfriend likes. In no case do not bring a Russian girl floral arrangement of a pair of flowers, as in post-Soviet countries they have a tradition to place pair flowers at the cemeteries.

Do not give expensive gifts on the first meeting (jewelry, airline tickets, travel packages), because you will put your future bride in an awkward position. When you will know a person better in future and, if it is possible, you can do it later, though there is no guarantee that the Russian girl can easily accept it.
Be chivalrous and restraint in manners, do not wave your arms and nod your head every second in response to the speech of your girlfriend. Even do not attempt to hint of a smooth move from cultural place to a secluded one, for example, to the hotel, a slavic girl from a good family, just will get up and leave you in splendid isolation. During the dinner at the restaurant do not forget about good manners, because you are intelligent man of civilized society.
Do not be afraid to ask questions, because this way, you will be able to confirm your interest in further communication with your girlfriend. During a conversation try to meet her eyes several times. Learn your partner. Look at each other. If you are with pleasure to be with a girl every minute, and you catch yourself thinking about that, yes, this is the person whom you were waited so long, it makes sense to think about your further communication and possible ways for the future, if you are alienating your companion - no more wasting her time and to continue to meet and talk is nonsense. In that case, thank her for a great time and see her to the car.
Hopefully, the first meeting with your beloved will be promising and held in a comfortable and relaxing environment as well, you will remember for a lifetime as one of the memorable events.

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