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how to win the heart of the Russian women. Advice for Men

There is no secret that many foreign men dream of getting acquainted with a Russian woman to marry her in future. No wonder, as Russian women – ‘Russians' – are the most beautiful inhabitants of the planet. But men chase not at the beauty only! A Russian woman is a woman who knows how to combine both unusual appearance and enviable intelligence. But it’s not so easy to ‘gentle’ a Russian woman, to catch her in your toils! Usually those men who want to achieve it very much manage it. And all of them have various ways.
Somebody knows how to romance gallantly, somebody gives gifts, somebody offers a prestigious work... But Russian girls and women are the folks with special characters. Material wealth is not the only thing they can be attracted by. And they won’t let to use them. A question arises: when do foreign men have chances to conquer a Russian beauty forever, not for some time? When they have intentions which are serious. It's an important condition! The more important thing is a real respect. And not only the personality of the girl itself but a respect for her views, opinions and interests.
A bride from Russia doesn’t like insincerity, doesn’t like lies. She feels it over a distance. But if she feels it any communication with a person who told her lies can come to an end forever. And no misereres won't save the situation anymore. A Russian girl knows: the one who told lies or offended once will easily tell lies or offend once again! She doesn't like arrogant people. And she herself doesn’t like to show her arrogance (no matter in what way it exists). The same is her attitude towards boasting. Especially in the case when it concerns a financial matter.

The worst mistake of men is that they think about the 'simplicity’ of a Russian woman. But she is not so simple-minded! The whole thing is in that a Russian woman always treats people in the same way as they treat her. And she accepts rudeness, impudence and sarcasm in very rare cases. Don’t be surprised – no one is ideal!
Those foreigners who try to ‘gentile’ a woman in business but not on the dating front are often shocked to death! They are often tortured with a question about how a woman can ‘contain’ in herself femininity and analytical (male) mind. They just live and believe in themselves depending upon their own forces. It turns out that a secret of Russian business-ladies is in quenching of their qualities, character traits and body. Many men dream of Russian women 'sharing' with them their magical abilities. And they are not against! The thing is men often lack energy for such an efficiency and work productivity.
Partnership and collaboration! A Russian woman is a perfect business partner. But a foreign man will be afraid of a contest. Russian beauties have advantages no one can win: charisma, a light impudence, craft, easiness, quick reaction, an ability to conduct negotiations perfectly, an ability to combine several affairs at one and the same time. The worst mistake of men is that they are sure that one can easily combine both personal and business relationships. No! No Russian woman who respects herself will go romancing at work. And she will cut short any harassment. Even if she is left without a prize or a workplace.
It is unreal to ‘gentile’ a Slavic woman because she always stays to be herself and stronger than others. Another word fits here. Well, for example, ‘to conquer’ or ‘to make a mash on’. But not ‘to buy’ or ‘to win’. Foreign men are afraid of girls when they know they are Russian. A strong grip, a quick mind, a smart creativity, a flawless appearance… When a man sees all this it seems to him that he found himself in paradise. But girls from Russia shouldn’t be confused with angels so not to be disappointed. Angels live in heaven. And women are Earth’s decoration falling ‘as a gift’ to those favorite and the most worthy. Who will fit to these 'categories' - it's up to a woman herself to decide consulting her own Russian heart.

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