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friends, parents, relatives... Getting to know your girl`s close people -

Familiarity with people close to your beloved one of the most important moments for him to seriously prepare and think through all the details of the meeting. Russian and Ukrainian brides are very often listening to the opinion of their relatives, and sometimes they can even influence the decisions of your darling. Therefore, your main task - to please everyone and produce the best impression.
Look Jay Roach comedy "Meet the Parents" and wind on a mustache basic errors of the protagonist. You can watch the comedy along with your future spouse; it might be able to tell you what exactly you should pay attention. You can also view the new Russian project of the famous matchmaker RF Rosa Syabitova under the same name. It is possible that this program can help you to create a specific pattern of behavior when meeting the parents and relatives of your passion.
If your fiancйe has children from previous marriages, you should also think about your behavior with them. Try to be friends with them, because in the future you will have to live with them too, be their father and friend. Do not give a child expensive gifts at the first meeting. You can give him or her something small, such as a doll or a car, or a book.

Do not forget about your appearance, because the information will be read primarily by how you look, and in a conversation with you for each of the relatives or friends will be able to understand what kind of person you are, whether you're a decent pair for their daughter, sister, girlfriend or mother.
Do not forget about the flowers, candies, ladies if they prefer, you can also bring for guests a bottle of good wine. Be smart, it is possible that you will be asked a variety of tricky questions, try to answer them frankly, if you have nothing to hide, or do not answer them but also do not forget that they test you.
During the evening, each of your interlocutors will have a certain opinion of you as a person and as a decent pair of your girl. Who would not tell you, analyze the information, try to smile and be pleasant companion. Perhaps you are shy and you will be very difficult to maintain a conversation, but you should try to create a good impression of yourself. Also, do not drink a lot, because under the influence of alcohol the person can get free and who knows, perhaps that can affect your future relations with both girl`s relatives and the girl.
Do not stretch the truth if you find it difficult to understand something, do not be afraid to ask about it, your girlfriend will always be there and will be able to support and help you.

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