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Slavic Women- Characteristics, truth and myths about russian and ukrainian girls

Today the fairer sex in Europe, America is increasingly trying to keep up with the veneer, the beauty and wealth, forgetting their true destiny – to be women. The modern image of a young girl is not perfect according to morals. That is why more and more views of men flock to the east, toward the women of Slavic blood. They are of course Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian girls.

By bringing together all that is embedded in the concept of "feature women" we can draw a generalized Slavic girl portrait. First of all you need to say a few words about beauty. Slavic beauty has always been not only a luxurious appearance, but also the life-giving fire, spirituality, intelligence, kindness, generosity, self-sacrifice - the beauty of soul.

Being endowed with natural beauty, slender bodies, beautiful and open faces Russian women also possess a hidden, inner attractiveness and magnetism.
This Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian) women traditionally regarded as the guardian of the home, she was not just thrifty, but also a moral support to her husband - a protector of the family. A family for her - this is the highest value. Loyalty, devotion and honor have been and will be the main characteristics of a real Russian woman.

Slavic woman is a mother at first. Procreation is the highest value that has been given to people, and we cannot forget about that. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why women refuse to have more than two children, or do not want to have offspring , they have their reasons. Some people believe that modern Russian girls want to meet the man, the main advantage of which will only material security. This is a myth. The truth is, the dream of any Slavic girls sooner or later becomes a sincere and faithful husband to be with her no matter what, who accepts her as she is, with all her faults.

In Russia there is a great number of women who combine beauty and mind. They are easy to meet – in politics, in business, in top-management. These women don’t conform to societies’ expectations, they form a society for themselves. They choose a style of clothing and behavior, they look for their own harmony. Their personal life demonstrates an answer to a question: ‘Do men like smart women?’ Yes, but only wise men do.

The beauty of the girls from Russia –is it a fact or a myth?- read here
We would like to pay attention to the fact that at the current pace of life in the West, the concept of "family" has turned into something vague and took on the form of the theory of relativity. Many people prefer now very common civil marriage, marriage without children and without obligation to each other.
Western values led once robust feminist movement to the point of absurdity. That, in turn, causes the rejection of normal men.
Another story with Slavic women for whom a family and children are the cornerstone. The portrait of a Slavic woman is extremely versatile: she is a tireless worker, and compassionate sister, a caring mother and loving wife, and above all – a faithful friend.

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