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36 y/o female
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A young wife from Russia as a guarantee of a long life for her husband

A man whose bride is 15-17 years younger than he is can make his chances to pass away early 20% lower. If he marries a woman 7-9 years younger than him he will be able to enjoy life longer by distancing a risk of an early death by 11%. Such intriguing conclusions were made by researches of Max Plank German Institute. They based themselves on the data received in the result of studying the circumstances of families’ creation, life and death of population in the period of 1990 and 2012.
Along with the reassuring conclusion about men connecting their lives with young and comparatively young women the scientists came to disappointing conclusions about life perspectives of men who choose women older than they are as couples. Unfortunately they will probably die at earlier stages of their lives – that is their bitter prognosis.
Explanations for such events in life cycles of men is seen by the scientist in a concept of natural selection. Only the most healthy and strong, the most successful male organisms of a certain age are able to attract young women’s hearts.
Besides, young women (especially Russian and Ukrainian) are considered to be full of warm feelings to elder marriage partners. They will take better care of them and thus will contribute to prolongation of their lives. However, on the average in Europe men take as wives women approximately three years younger than they are. But lately between Russian women and Western men more and more unequal aged marriages are registered. There are about 60 per cent of them according to the statistics.

Advantages of unequal marriage.
Read also -Advantages and disadvantages as viewed by psychologists
There are certain advantages in unequal marriage. If the reason of a marriage is a financial interest a Russian girl gets an opportunity to enjoy her life enjoying all attractions of a rich life. A clever girl can use such a chance for getting a good education (for the sake of good order), to help her parents and close ones, for making her own carrier when small financial risks are of no difference.
For a man the marriage is profitable as it flatters his vanity. And vanity is a natural trait of all men. Showing his young and beautiful wife his friends and acquaintances a man gets an inner satisfaction and probably feels happy. Besides, such a marriage gives many men a huge stimulus not to grow old fitting their wives. Many men begin to take care of themselves, go in for sports, open new horizons. Proactive attitude makes life longer and it is certainly an advantage.
The main advantage of such relations is that each participant gets what he has been striving to and what he has really wanted. If love is present with all this an unequal marriage can become of course a very happy one. Disadvantages of unequal marriage.
Disadvantages of such a marriage can come out not at once. Mainly this is unfaithfulness from the side of a young wife whose natural sexuality needs richer relationship. It often occurs that a completely young girl near a not a young husband becomes a ‘young old lady’ unconsciously trying to correspond to her husband. An absence of a need for self-development and striving for something can make a woman dull and uninteresting.

Everyone knows that a woman from Russia is a beauty, a clever girl, a tender friend, a passionate lover and a caring wife. They know how to be faithful in personal relations, they can be relied as on dependable partners in all affairs, they are not afraid of taking responsibility for their children and near and dear. These are very strong reasons to get acquainted and begin relations with a girl from Russia who will obviously become a good wife. For more details read more

The main secret of Russian women’s attractiveness is their femininity. It shows itself not only in sensuality and sexuality. But also in gentleness and tolerance, in tenderness and kindness. A woman able to excuse, understand and accepting a man with all his drawbacks is much more attractive than a strict and demanding hell-cat daily laying him down in front of him a long list of her cosmic demands and accusations. Just that's why Russian girls and women attract men so much. For more details read more

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