We offer you to read an interesting statistics of ‘Russian love’
A Russian independent statistic agency polled Russians with questionnaires and studied out that 2% of Russian women confessed that they are proposed a marriage every week, 4% more – every month, and another 7% - every year. For the rest of women it happens more seldom: 23% - 1-2 times every 10 years, 19% - once in 15 years. Unfortunately, nobody has ever made a proposal of marriage to 45% of Russian women. Men also didn’t remain back from this question. They state that the initiative of proposing a marriage comes not always from them. Every third proposal is made by a woman herself. Serious proposals from men happen much less often. 40% of men – once in 5 years, 45% more – once in 10 years, the others warely watch their freedom.
The same agency polled Russian girls: ‘How often and in what way do usually unknown men get acquainted with you?’ It emerged that a girl younger than 19 is played up in the street by 7 men, form 19 to 29 – 15, from 30 to 40 – 2, after 40 – 3 men in a year. On the average by all the ages – 6 men a year.
In 65 per cent of cases these men are under the influence of alcohol, in 46 per cent of cases they offer a women to go the limit almost at once, in 52 they invite them or suggest visiting them for themselves to drink a coffee or some vodka, in 2 cases they call them to a restaurant, and only one man from three hundred shows a noticeable originality while getting acquainted with a woman.
By the way in the same poll it was asked ‘Do woman like men with moustache?' It turned out that 63% of questioned women like men with moustache, 2% - with beards, the rest 53% like shaven men. And for whom is it easier to get acquainted: for a man or for a woman? 89 per cent of number of questioned women and 22 per cent of men consider that it is easier for men to get acquainted. And 63 per cent of men and 7 per cent of women are sure in the opposite, that it is easier to get acquainted for a woman. All the rest consider that it is difficult for both.
By the way, according to the poll an average Russian man leaves in average 3,2 women in the course of his life and only 0,3 women per cent leave him. And now let’s turn to age periods and reasons for these partings.
According to mutually leaved years the statistics of divorces is such:
1) Up to 1 year – 3,6%
2) 1-2 years – 16%
3) 3-4 years – 18%
4) 5-9 years – 28%
5) 10-19 – 22%
6) From 20 and more – 12,4%
Women become initiators of a divorce process, only after 50 there is an activity of men’s half noted. Among the most frequent reasons of the decay of families one can show up:
1) Psychological unreadiness of partners, incompatibility – 47%
2) Excessive drinking, alcoholism, drug addiction – 31%
3) Men’s unfaithfulness – 15%
4) Unsuitable living conditions – 3%
5) Other reasons – 4%
After the first divorce only 27 % of women contract a marriage for the second time. If a Russian woman goes to divorce when she is 25-30 years old in 5 years already she will feel that there is no one for her to choose from. After 35 already a reason of women’s solitude becomes an obvious lack of men because of a high death rate. On the assumption that in Russia there are 589 thousand of prisoner population, 2,5 million of drug addicts only 600 thousand of which are at medical record, 12 million of those suffering from alcoholism women don’t have a big choice.
Is an opinion widely used about an exceptional natural beauty of Russian women. But some people think that it is not more than a myth, that western men don't consider Russian women the first beauties and their interest to them faded. But the fact remains – Russian brides really are much sought after by Americans and Europeans. So what an opinion about a special beauty of Russian women really is, myth or reality? Let’s try and puzzle it out…
Modern Russian women in the most mysterious way know how to create in themselves a Slavic beauty, charm, mysteriousness and European delicacy. The whole world acknowledges a uniqueness of our girls, their unforgettable charm, rare moral virtues and an ability to combine professional qualities and knowing how to create a fireside comfort in a harmonious way. Would you like to know about the characteristics of Russian women more? Read our article