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The main differences between Western and Slavic women.

A woman must always remember that she is a woman, regardless of financial status, national origin, country of residence, age. Human nature is that human-beings tend to compare people with each other to see who is more suited to us as a partner. In order to avoid mistakes of the past, both men and women choose a person with the set of personal qualities and characteristics that would not in any degree suppressed them as a personality, would not destroy their inner world.

What is the uniqueness of the Slavic women? What about them attracts men? What qualities do they have that attract so many foreign men? What makes them special, what do they possess that girls and women of the West do not have? What is it the mysterious of Russian soul?

Love to people, faith in the good intentions to help others, frugality and thrift, ability of self-sacrifice for loved ones, sincerity, purity of mind and thought, unpretentiousness, incessant struggle for justice. These characteristics are rarely found in total with Western women. They are more aggressive, emancipated, predictable. Often, women from Europe and the U.S. prefer to be single, because they are accustomed to the daily struggle and compete with men trying to prove their superiority in all things, emphasizing the uselessness of the masculine gender. Therefore, the Western Knights have chronically tired from such relations; they need a family comfort, understanding, caring, kindness and love, and not the eternal breaking of the nerves, everyday quarrels and constant fighting. Nature created a man that wants to come back home after a long working day in which he will find understanding and peace in his sweet home.

read also Characteristics of Slavic women, truth and myths in the portrait of a Slavic girl

Russian girl realizes that her strength is in her weakness and vulnerability, no matter how paradoxical it sounds; suggesting that she is real, and probably these features attract foreign men to her. A Russian woman is ready to bend over backwards to please her man, because she loves him sincerely. Therefore Russian girls are great and faithful wives, caring mothers. They are sensitive and temperaments. Cleanly. With great taste and manners. Well-educated. Nice companions with a world outlook and a sense of humor. They are picky about relationships. Largely they are not capricious. As for the mysterious Russian soul - it is difficult to predict their actions and divine thoughts, so you will never get bored in their company.

So why Slavic girls are so popular? read here

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