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Attitude of Russian girls to marriage, family and children. Data of official statistics

According to the polling results, 47% of women don’t believe in strength and durability of a marriage. 27% consider a marriage an old-fashioned phenomenon. Only 7% of polled consider that a marriage should be contracted once in a lifetime and for great and mutual love. And no matter how strange it is men believe in a possibility of such a marriage more than women. In North America a marriage is considered to be a necessary stage in a development of a normal relationship by 78% of respondents, in Europe – 61 %. In Russia a creation of a family is a necessity for 58% of Russian women only.
The attitude of the rest of them is frostier, and they are going to create a family only at a push. Lately open marriages are especially actual. They seized to be something not normal in our society long ago. That’s why bearing children of unwed parents became a common phenomenon. To an opinion of many girls, one has to create a family when you are more than 30 already. By this time one wants stability and peace which will be secured with a legally solemnized marriage. One third of polled respondents don’t want to legalize relations and consider that the marriage institution exhausted itself. According to the latest data, in Europe every second marriage is disintegrated and in Russia a number of divorces grows every day. Despite these data 71% of men and 68% of women in Russia consider that marriage is an inseparable part of life.
According to the data of statistics, the number if marriages in Russia in 1011 was 1 066 366, in 2012 – 1 113 562, and the number of divorces: 604 942 and 640 837.

Family and children
30% of children in Russia are born in an incomplete family, with single mothers to be more precise. Statistics of other countries doesn't differ from ours much: in the USA – 33% of mothers of all newborn children are single women, in Iceland – 64% (it is the highest index in Europe), in Switzerland – 54%, in Great Britain – 38%, in Finland – 37%. For contemporaries a marriage lost its significance, people don’t believe in its durability. These facts are just proved by results of Internet-pollings.
According to the data of Ministry of Labor and Social Development, every 7th child younger than 18 in Russia is brought up in an incomplete family. The major part of incomplete families make mothers with children (94%). A single father is an exceptionally rare phenomenon. More often one can meet orphaned children being brought up by grandmothers and grandfathers.
According to the data of Federal State Statistics Service in Russia live 23,5 mln of families with children younger than 18 (57,5%). From them:
• families with one child – 51%
• families with two children – 39%
• families with many children (3 and more children) – 9,8%
According to these data the number of newly born children out of marriage made 437 075.

Many ask a question why foreign men very often prefer getting acquainted with Russian girls for marriage. Why are they not satisfied with their women? What are the differences between them? Mainly, it is the difference in opinions on life values. Western women aim at their independence and feminism. Russian – to the harmony in relations, love and family. In a more detailed way you can read it in our article.

When saying a phrase ‘bride from Russia’ men often combine in this words Slavic women, both Russian and Ukrainian, considering them to be one nation. Yes, there is much in common between them – language, mentality and general historic and cultural roots. In the times of the Soviet Union they became to be called together ‘soviet women'. Now, when Russia and Ukraine are completely different countries everything remained the same. What is the difference between Ukrainian and Russian women? Read here

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